Triggered by the MAX 8

So about two months ago,  an Airplane was sold to a really sketchy airline company that crashes a plane on average of once every 2.5 years. Well, about 2.5 years since Ethiopian Air crashed their last plane killing everyone on board, everyone except mathematicians were shocked when an Ethiopian Air owned Boeing Max-8 crashed, killing everyone on board.

Perhaps the biggest proof that Boeing is at fault is that the First Officer in charge had less than 400 flight hours, and that the pilots were trained using the cheapest method available, flying at .6 Mach.  Yep, and that’s why when the probe froze over they pilots deviated from standard checklist, panicked, flipped a few systems on and off and then literally commanded a nose down in the aircraft. Darn Boeing.

I bring that up because people sometimes get on board with a ridiculous idea, like “blame boeing no matter what”simply because they might have been a teeny tiny bit at fault when a bulk of the problem can be placed elsewhere, like shoddy MX and bad training. So now it’s Pride month, and apparently not wanting to fly a gay flag is a symbol of oppression. Apparently, having an average of 100 sexual partners a year, rampant STD issues and substance abuse problems is the fault of, you guessed it, straight people.

Kinda weird how I have to be okay with gay, like I hate some bands, I really dislike Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, am I RedJumpSuitAparratusaPhobic? Uh, last I checked I was allowed to not like things. What if every embassy on earth flew a flag of your least favorite band, and worse yet, schools gave out copies of your least favorite band to your kids and required them to be listened to in your house?

Then you say, “hey that band sucks stop pushing it on my kids.” Congratulations you are a bigot. A big fat RedJumpsuitApparatophobe. Especially when you can tie every society that embraces such genres of music to falling apart and also pedophilia. Yeah that would turn me off.

Can’t wait for the month to be over. It’s like for a whole month the whole country likes my least favorite band and tries to push it on everyone who has quality taste in music. The Pride flag is kinda weird considering its God’s symbol to humanity that he won’t kill all of us for sin anymore. Maybe there was a giant Pride Parade going on as Noah built his Ark.


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