Triggered by the MAX 8

So about two months ago,  an Airplane was sold to a really sketchy airline company that crashes a plane on average of once every 2.5 years. Well, about 2.5 years since Ethiopian Air crashed their last plane killing everyone on board, everyone except mathematicians were shocked when an Ethiopian Air owned Boeing Max-8 crashed, killing everyone on board. Perhaps the biggest proof that Boeing is … Continue reading Triggered by the MAX 8

Test Case

Recently I’ve been mulling over the exact meaning of a “Christian Nation” What makes a Christian nation? Obviously faith in Jesus, but what are the vestigal organs of a Christian society? Chuck Norris pointed out in his WorldNetDaily post many of these, specifically contrasting them to the Barbary pirates and their attempt to justify piracy and enslavement as a holy war. So let’s just compare … Continue reading Test Case